Terms and Conditions
Cancellation Policy
Once you have placed an order with us you have entered into a contract to pay the sum agreed in exchange for the items selected. Should you change your mind and wish to amend or cancel your order you can do so by contacting us, however, you must do so by midnight on Thursday
(the Thursday before your delivery date). Providing you contact us before this deadline you will be eligible for a full refund when cancelling your order, or a part refund where required. If you have missed this deadline and do not want to receive your order you will still be required to pay and will not be eligible for a refund.
By placing an online order with us you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into a binding contract with us. You also acknowledge and agree that if you have a specific food allergy or intolerance you will advise us when placing an order.
We accept payment via all major Debit/Credit cards. We will also accept Paypal & manual payment methods or direct bank transfer. You will receive an email confirming your order once placed. Your order will only be processed once full payment has been received. If you choose to pay via Paypal or direct bank transfer your order will only be authorised and processed by us when payment is received.
Delivery & Collection times
Delivery and collection times provided are estimates. We cannot guarantee set delivery or collection times.
Contact Us
Should you have any questions about our products or your order, want to provide feedback or have an issue you would like to discuss, please contact us via the details provided in our contact ss section.
Information Provided
We try to ensure that all information provided on our details is up to date however cannot guarantee this at all times. Information, products and prices may change at any time without notice.
Your Privacy
We are committed to protecting your privacy and security. All personal data that we collect from you will be processed in accordance with GDPR regulations.